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Former Justices

HUANG, Jui-Ming

The Honorable Justice

* Date of Birth: 1955
* Education :

L.L.M., National Taiwan University
L.L.B., National Taiwan University

* Professional Career :
  Representative Partner, Baker& McKenzie Taipei Office (2009-2016)
Senior Partner, Baker& McKenzie Taipei Office (1982-2016)
Adjunct Clinical Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University (2014-2017)
Adjunct Professor of Law, National Tsing Hua University (2003-2014)
Adjunct Lecturer of Law, Soochow University (1989-2005)
Director, Center for Legal Ethics, Judicial Reform Foundation
Chairman, Judicial Reform Foundation (2007-2012)
Director, Judicial Reform Foundation (2000-2012)
Director, NTU Law Foundation(2013~)
Supervisor, Environmental Jurists Association (2010-2016)
President, Taiwan Law Association (2005-2006)
President, Taipei Bar Association (2000-2002)
Member, Judges Selection Committee, Judicial Yuan (2012-2016)
Commissioner to the Government Procurement Commission, Executive Yuan(2003-2009)
Member, Group for Promoting Human Right Protection, Executive Yuan(2001-2006)
* Publications :
  The Cultural Pursuits of a Lawyer(Second Edition, 2016)
* Inauguration Day : 2016/11/1
HSU, Tzong-LiTSAI, Jeong-DuenSU CHEN, BeyueHUANG, Hsi-ChunLO, Chang-Fa TANG, Dennis Te-ChungHUANG, Horng-Shya WU, Chen-Huan
TSAI, Ming-Cheng LIN, Jiun-Yi HSU, Chih-HsiungCHANG, Chong-WenHUANG, Jui-MingJAN, Sheng-LinHWANG, Jau-Yuan
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