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Former Justices

HSU, Chih-Hsiung

The Honorable Justice

* Date of Birth: 1953
* Education :

L.L.M., National Taiwan University
L.L.B., National Taiwan University

* Professional Career :
  Professor, Center of General Education, National Chiayi University (2010-2016)
Adjunct Professor/Associate Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University (1997-)
Chair Professor, Department of Management of Financial and Economic Law, Hsing Kuo Management College (2008-2010)
Honorary Doctoral Degree, National University of Mongolia (2005)
Chairman/Assembly Member, Fourth National Assembly (2005)
Chairperson, Referendum Review Commission, Executive Yuan (2004)
Deputy Chairperson/Member, Panel for Promotion and Protection of Human Right (2002-2004)
Commissioner, Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission/Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan (2002-2008)
Member, Preparation Committee for the National Judicial Reform Assembly (1999)
Representative Attending the National Judicial Reform Assembly (1999)
Member, Executive Committee on the National Judicial Reform Assembly Conclusion (2000)
Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan (2001-2002)
Chairman, Taiwan Law Society (1998-1999)
Director, Department of Public Administration, Tamkang University (1995-1999)
Professor/Associate Professor/Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Tamkang University (1992-2004)
* Publications :
  Human Rights (2016)
Constitutional Change (2nd ed., 2010)
Modern Constitutions (4th ed., 2008)
The Basic Theory of The Constitution (1992)
A number of journal articles, conference papers and book chapters.
* Inauguration Day : 2016/11/1
HSU, Tzong-LiTSAI, Jeong-DuenSU CHEN, BeyueHUANG, Hsi-ChunLO, Chang-Fa TANG, Dennis Te-ChungHUANG, Horng-Shya WU, Chen-Huan
TSAI, Ming-Cheng LIN, Jiun-Yi HSU, Chih-HsiungCHANG, Chong-WenHUANG, Jui-MingJAN, Sheng-LinHWANG, Jau-Yuan
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