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Former Justices

LIN, Jiun-Yi

The Honorable Justice

* Date of Birth: 1957
* Education :

Ph.D., National Cheng-Chi University
LL.M., Fu-Jen Catholic University
LL.B., National Taiwan University

* Professional Career :
  Judge and President, Taiwan Shilin District Court (2013-2015)
Director-General, Criminal Department, Judicial Yuan (2009-2013)
Judge, Taiwan High Court (2001-2009), appointed to serve at Supreme Court from 2007 to 2009
Judge and Division Chief, Taiwan Shilin District Court (1998-2001)
Judge, Taiwan Shilin District Court (1995-1998)
Judge, Taiwan Taipei District Court Shilin Branch Court (1991-1995)
* Publications :
  Code of Criminal Procedure (I) (16th ed.) (2016)
Code of Criminal Procedure (II) (12th ed.) (2016)
Procedure Justice and Litigation Economy (Case Study on Code of Criminal Procedure) (2000)
Theories and Practices of Hearsay Rule (co-author) (2004)
Feasibility Study on Litigant Principle and Criminal Procedure in Taiwan (1991)
More than one hundred articles of criminal category published in periodicals.

* Inauguration Day : 2015/10/1
HSU, Tzong-LiTSAI, Jeong-DuenSU CHEN, BeyueHUANG, Hsi-ChunLO, Chang-Fa TANG, Dennis Te-ChungHUANG, Horng-Shya WU, Chen-Huan
TSAI, Ming-Cheng LIN, Jiun-Yi HSU, Chih-HsiungCHANG, Chong-WenHUANG, Jui-MingJAN, Sheng-LinHWANG, Jau-Yuan
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