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Former Justices

TANG, Dennis Te-Chung

The Honorable Justice

* Date of Birth: 1956
* Education :

S.J.D., Tulane University, U.S.A.
LL.M., Harvard University, U.S.A.
Master of Law, National Taiwan University
Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University

* Professional Career :
  Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, US-Asia Law Institute, New York University School of Law (Seminar on Law and Society in China: “Constitutionalism and Constitutional Review on Taiwan”) (2015/09-2015/10)
Distinguished Research Professor & Founding Director, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (2004/07-2011/09)
Visiting Professor of Law, College of Law, University of Tokyo, Japan (2001/10/01-2002/01/31)(Seminar on Administrative Law: “Taiwan’s Administrative Procedure Act in A Comparative Perspective”)
Alexander von Humboldt Visiting Scholar, Cologne University, Germany (1993/09-1994/09)
Co-employed Professor of Law, National Taiwan University (1989/08-2011/07)
Adjunct Professor of Law, National Taiwan University (2011/08-)
Adjunct Professor of Law, Soochow University (1989/08-)
* Publications :
  Dialogic Constitution, Constitutional Dialogue, Tang‘s Audiobook, Vol. I (3rd ed., 2015) & Vol. II (3rd ed., 2016)
Treatise on the Administrative Procedure Act of Taiwan (2nd ed. 2005)
Constitutional Review and Dynamic Balance: Separation of Powers Revisited (Vol. I)
(4th ed., 2014)
Constitutional Structure and Dynamic Balance: Separation of Powers Revisited (Vol. II) (4th ed., 2014)
Environmental Law and Enforcement in the Asia-Pacific Rim 435-486 (Sweet & Maxwell, 2002).
On the Feasibility of Economic Incentives in Taiwans Environmental Regulations: Lessons from the American Experience (Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 1990)

The comprehensive list of publications available at http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/dennis/
* Inauguration Day : 2011/10/1
HSU, Tzong-LiTSAI, Jeong-DuenSU CHEN, BeyueHUANG, Hsi-ChunLO, Chang-Fa TANG, Dennis Te-ChungHUANG, Horng-Shya WU, Chen-Huan
TSAI, Ming-Cheng LIN, Jiun-Yi HSU, Chih-HsiungCHANG, Chong-WenHUANG, Jui-MingJAN, Sheng-LinHWANG, Jau-Yuan
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