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|Procedures for Interpretation
Judgment on Dissolution of a Political Party
Judgment on Dissolution of a Political Party
◎Constitutional Court   | ◎Petition and Procedure 

◎Petition and Procedure
Petition for the Dissolution of a Political Party Violating the Constitution

If the objectives of a particular political party or its activities endanger either the continuing existence of the Republic of China or the order of free and democratic constitutionalism, the agency-in-charge (Ministry of the Interior) may petition the Constitutional Court for a judgment on the dissolution of the party.

Procedure for the Dissolution of a Political Party Violating the Constitution

The Court shall decide the cases based on oral proceedings unless the Court deems it unnecessary and dismisses the petition.
The Constitutional Court conducts oral proceedings only with the presence of three-fourths or more of the total number of Justices of the Constitutional Court.
If the Constitutional Court considers a petition to have merit, a judgment pronouncing dissolution of the political party will be rendered because of violating the Constitution.
If the Court considers that a petition is without merit, it will dismiss the petition by a judgment.
For cases with oral proceedings, judgments are to be rendered on a designated date within one month after the conclusion of the oral proceedings.
The deliberation to dissolve a political party may be rendered only with the concurrence of two-thirds of the Justices of the Constitutional Court present at the oral proceedings. If the quorum of the deliberation does not reach the regulated standard, a judgment of non-dissolution is rendered.
The judgment of the Constitutional Court is not subject to appeal.
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