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|Procedures for Interpretation
Judgment on Dissolution of a Political Party
Procedures for Interpretation
◎Petition for Interpretation   | ◎Procedure for Interpretation   |


◎Procedure for Interpretation
The Justices of the Constitutional Court shall meet to handle cases en bloc three times a week; an extraordinary session may be held whenever necessary. The President of the Judicial Yuan shall chair the plenary session of the Constitutional Court. Standards for reaching a ruling:
    (1) For the interpretation of the Constitution:
     the presence of two-thirds of the Justices of the Constitutional Court constitutes a quorum. In cases concerning the declaration of the unconstitutionality of a law, the concurrence of two-thirds of those Justices present is required. In cases concerning the declaration of the unconstitutionality of a regulation, the concurrence of only a simple majority is required.
    (2) For the uniform interpretation of the laws and orders:
     the presence of one half of the Justices of the Constitutional Court constitutes a quorum and a ruling requires the concurrence of a simple majority.
    Those Justices, approving the interpretative principle, but having concurring or dissenting reasons, may submit concurring opinions; whereas, those opposing the interpretative principle may submit dissenting opinions. Concurring and dissenting opinions shall be proclaimed together with the whole text of the interpretation. In handling interpretation cases, the Constitutional Court with the petitioner’s motion, or sua sponte may ask the petitioners and related individuals or agencies to attend the meeting to present the relevant facts, or may conduct an investigation.
    Oral arguments may be held in an open court, when necessary.
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