 NO. 69 
Date 1956/12/5
Issue Shall a civil servant be allowed to relinquish the salary of his or her original post and the benefits received from the public expenditure and draw a salary from his or her concurrent service in the legislature instead?
    Pursuant to Article 14, Paragraph 2, of the Public Functionary Service Act, the sentence “A civil servant who serves concurrently as a legislator shall not draw salaries for both positions and receive benefits from the public expenditure for both” clearly means that a civil servant who is concurrently serving as a legislator may only draw the salary and receive benefits from the public expenditure for his or her original post . However, a civil servant may draw his or her salary and receive benefits from the public expenditure under the circumstance where his or her original post is a non-paid position [or provides no benefits].

'Translated by Lawrence L. C. Lee.