 NO. 25 
Date 1953/9/3
Issue Are directors (members of the board) and the supervisors of a province-run bank “public officers” within the meaning of the Constitution such that a Member of the Control Yuan or Legislative Yuan cannot concurrently serve?
    (1) Directors (members of the board) of a provincial bank and its supervisors all serve in a state-owned enterprise. No Members of the Legislative Yuan or Control Yuan may concurrently serve as such (See J. Y. Interpretation No. 24).

    (2) Points Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5 in the submitted record are related to the issue of unified interpretation of laws and regulations. Given that it did not illustrate what the differences are between its opinions and the expressed opinions of this or other agencies, the requirement of Article 4 of the Rules Governing the Adjudication of the Grand Justices Council is not met and no interpretations will be provided.

'Translated by Professor Andy Y. Sun.