 NO. 21 
Date 1953/7/10
Issue How can the 90-day period be calculated, as provided in Article 29 of the Constitution, for the National Assembly's calling of a meeting before the end of the Presidential term?
    Article 47 of the Constitution provides that the term of the Presidency is six years. Article 29 of the Constitution provides that the National Assembly shall call a meeting ninety days before the end of the Presidential term. After implementation of the Constitution, the first President of the Republic of China was inaugurated on May 20th, 1948. The first Presidential term shall end on May 20th, 1954. The calculation of ninety days before the end of the Presidential term shall start from the day before the end of the Presidential term and run for ninety full days.

'Translated by Li-Chih Lin, Esq., J.D.