 NO. 108 
Date 1965/7/28
Issue When shall the period of statute of limitation for the aggrieved party's bringing a criminal complaint commence?
    In cases where the plaintiff is limited to the person aggrieved and there are repeated or continuing offences, the period of statute of limitation within which the plaintiff can bring an action shall commence upon the plaintiff's knowledge of the most recent offending act or upon cessation of the offending act. This Yuan's Interpretation Yuan-tze No. 1232 shall be amended accordingly.
    In cases where the plaintiff is limited to the person aggrieved and there are repeated or continuing offences, it is unreasonable to have the period of statute of limitation commence upon the plaintiff's initial identification of the offender, the reason being that it is inevitable that the period of statute of limitation will expire while the offence is repeated or continues. Therefore, the period of statute of limitation should commence upon the plaintiff's knowledge of the offender's most recent offending act or when the offence has ceased.

    En passant, the interpretations made by Judicial Yuan, unless the underlying law or regulation is revised, remain effective and shall not be compromised until itself being amended.

'Translated by Wei-Feng Huan;Yi-Yi Lee.