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Former Justices
◎Qualification for Appointment   | ◎Procedures of Appointment

◎Procedures of Appointment

  Under Articles 78 and 79 of the Constitution and Article 5 of the Constitutional Amendments, fifteen Justices of the Constitutional Court (including the President and the Vice President of the Judicial Yuan) have the authority to interpret the Constitution, and to render uniform interpretations of statutes and regulations whenever they are in conflict, and to declare the dissolution of any political party in violation of the Constitution. All of the Justices of the Constitutional Court (including the President and the Vice President of the Judicial Yuan) are nominated and, with the consent of the Legislative Yuan (Congress), appointed by the President of the Republic of China. The Justices serve an eight-year term and may not be reappointed. However, the President and the Vice President of the Judicial Yuan do not have the same term protection. Due to a current transition to a staggered appointment system, of fifteen Justices appointed in the year 2003, eight, including the President and the Vice President of the Judicial Yuan, serve a four-year term, while the others serve an eight-year term.

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